30 Ocak 2010 Cumartesi

Getting to know better Cordoba, Spain
Spain is a huge country known as the favorite destinations by the tourists. Millions have been allured by this captivating country because everywhere you look you would be amazed of what you see. One of the must see region of Spain is Cordoba. This is the best place to visit if you are curious about the history of Christianity and Islam collided in one place. Cordoba is appointed as an ancient city of Andalucia which is the country’s southernmost province. In the city of Cordoba began the settlers of Jews, Goths, Moors, Romans and Christians that makes the city into its own great image. Through them they remained amazing marks such like great culture, religion and astonishing architectural design.
And if you are a first time visitor of Cordoba here are some of the top attractions you should have to visit.


Museo Arqueologico—located in Plaza Jeronimo Paez 7; the museum displays artifacts from the prehistoric and Roman period. Some of the artifacts include sculptures and mosaic, coins and the 4th and 8th century Muslim and visigothic remnants.

The La Mezquita—this is one of the most amazing sightseeing to see in the city. The cathedral was appointed as the largest mosque all over the world. Because of its incredible and unique combination of Baroque, Renaissance, Islamic and Mudejar influences the mosque is truly has an astonishing image.

The La Casa Andalusi—with the 2.50 euros admission fee, what you see inside is worthy. L Casa Andalusi is located at Judios 12, it is known as the living quarters of Al Andalus. The ivory colored patio in its pebbled mosaic floor is a must see, as well as the certain room to the Moorish culture. From here you can see some displays of Arabic coins, artworks, clothing and an early-day printing press which is known being used to print the Koran.

La Alcazar de los Reyes Christianos—this is another example of the collision of Christian and Islam. The La Alcazar de los Reyes is a gothic citadel. It began on 1327 under Alfonso XI and eventually became the residence of the Catholic Monarch who was Isabel and Ferdinand. The history goes on until Christopher Columbus got interested to it and battled for it. Today, the citadel stands still as astonishing and incredible just like before that makes it one of the must see in the city.

If you want to know better Spain, start it with the city of Cordoba.

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