31 Ocak 2010 Pazar

Places to Go in Spain

Spain is always a good destination for a holiday destination but locating and finding a specific destination for that dreamt holiday vacation could a Herculean task. For those who got carried away from the overloaded information in the web about certain destinations indeed find themselves cheated of the true beauty of the Spanish land.

Barcelona Spain travel is indeed very beautiful and great city but the Spanish heritage does not end there. Parc Guell alone would satisfy a tourist thirst of architecture and history. Not to mention the world-known Picasso museum; Casa Mila and the Sagrada overwhelms anybody who gazes at them and those who knows the history behind each of these architecture or should I say the history in the making?

And if anyone would ask where in Spain that you want to go; of course most people would answer Madrid. The list of places of interest in Madrid Spain is endless. Casa de la Villa, Calle de Serrano, Calle de Hermosilla, Calle de Fuencarral to mention a few of the famous and most visited. And to the surprise of many Madrid accommodation is far more accommodating compared to the rest of the world which encourages more visitors per year.

Yet, we still got to dig for the secrets that Spain has not yet revealed. Your t5ravel does not end in Barcelona for it is only the beginning of Catalonia adventure that could end up discovering and knowing Valencia a few hours ride form Barcelona city. The colorful and vibrant port in Valencia is by far a favorite destination of many. Discover the why and the subtle charm that Valencia has.

Andalusia is always a mystery for some. Each day offers a new kind of excitement to those who had traveled on this region of Spain. But the sights that would be laid on your path is by far so many and magnificent for every tourists that has come to gaze at its splendor.

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