31 Ocak 2010 Pazar

Spain Famous Food and Wine

Spain is a place to go for most tourists when we talk about a travel holiday vacation because of their great Spain attractions or sightseeing. Spain, with it’s diverse of landscapes, languages and cultures as one of the top world tourist destinations. Spain made it as a great place to travel with its cosmopolitan cities, historical site and beach destinations. Aside from that, without any doubt, one of the great things in taking a visit to Spain is its wines and food. It has an excellent and delicious cuisine and captivating taste of wines. The Spain local cuisine is one of the main reasons for some tourist kept on visiting Spain. Spain is completely soaked up with rich history and inheritance of historical and famous people.

Spain in the ancient times is famously known for its vineyards, wheat fields, sheep and pig farming and olive groves. The Spanish dishes which are only called as universal are the potato and onion omellete, gazpacho which is the Andalusian soup with ground vegetables, bread and garlic, and paella. Central Spain is famous for stews and roasts, seafood dishes for eastern Spain, fish and meat for northern Spain and deep-fried seafood for Southern Spain. Throughout with this Spanish cuisine, the abundance of it is particularly vegetables, garlic and onions. When we talk about wine, Spanish offers a good wine but Rioja is a famous Spanish wine which is always present in most occasions. Rioja is also available at any restaurants, shops and stores in Spain. But aside from Rioja wine, Spain is always has something to offer that surely captivate to your taste of wine. Spain has a prolonged history in producing fine wines and until now it still offers a memorable and excellent choices of Reds, Rose and white wines which are one of the inexpensive quality of wine to offer.

We have a different taste of food and wine but we appreciated it much if we can taste a different cuisine that is not available in our home country. One of the several tourist reason visiting Spain is not only for the must to visit places but also for its wines and dishes.

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